Ayuntamiento de Nava de Roa
Plaza Mayor nº 1
09318 Nava de Roa (Burgos)
Teléfono (+34) 947 55 00 08
Nava de Roa is a Burgos municipality of the Ribera del Duero, located 92 km from Burgos, 26 km from Aranda de Duero and 70 km from Valladolid.
The place name Nava is of pre-Roman origin and means "flat land surrounded by hills".
Nava de Roa arises during the medieval repopulation around the 10th and 11th centuries. In 1143 it became one of the 33 villages of the "Community of Villa and Tierra de Roa", according to the jurisdiction granted by Alfonso VII.
The period of greatest splendor of Nava de Roa is between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries due to its geographical location, being the crossing of the roads Valladolid - Soria and Segovia - Zaragoza. After the fall of the Old Regime, it was built in the constitutional town hall in the Roa party, belonging to the region of Castilla la Vieja, which in the 1842 Census had 186 homes and 605 neighbors.
The nineteenth century marked the decline especially for two outstanding facts:
- Its total destruction (1836) in the framework of the First Carlist War.
- The phylloxera plague that ended the vineyards in the area and, therefore, with much of its economic activity. The population decline to this day has been continuous. Juan Martín El Empecinado (famous guerrilla who fought against Napoleonic troops) was imprisoned in this town, after his capture in Olmos de Peñafiel. It was subsequently handed over to the mayor of Roa de Duero, where he was executed in 1824.
Notable monuments in Nava de Roa:
- Church of San Antolín Mártir. Built in the 17th century and enlarged in the 18th century, it has a baroque cover and a neoclassical tower. Inside, it houses an altarpiece and a baptismal font both from the 16th century, as well as a large Gothic Christ.
- Hermitage of Santa Ana, located on Mount Calvario, baroque and currently in ruins. In its enclosure is the municipal cemetery.
Like all the towns in the region, on the slopes of Mount Calvario there are the typical wineries, some of which are still in good condition, as well as the remains of the old wineries.
Finally, it is possible to see some examples of popular architecture with walls that retain their wooden frames. They are one of the few that resisted the village fire in the 19th century, such as the one located on Santa Ana street number 4, with facades to the town hall and the church.
Nava de Roa parties:
- The most important festival is that of San Antolín Mártir that takes place on September 2.
- Another party is that of San Gregorio Nacianceno which is celebrated on May 9.